Honesty for Ohio Education is a nonpartisan, statewide coalition that champions honest education, the affirmation of all identities, cultures, and lived experiences, and the rights and safety of all students, families, and educators.
We serve as a centralized network for education, advocacy, and community-building to protect honest education in the Ohio Statehouse, State Board of Education, and local school districts. Collectively, Honesty for Ohio Education opposes attempts to restrict and censor education around the history and legacy of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, classism and other forms of discrimination. The coalition also opposes attempts to divest local control from school districts, school boards, families, and communities. Born from a grassroots effort of committed Ohioans, Honesty for Ohio Education proudly represents more than 50 organizational partners and thousands of students, families, educators, and Buckeyes across the state. |
We Believe |
Every child deserves an honest, high-quality education grounded in truth, facts, and diverse perspective, regardless of race, identity, background, or zip code.
Dismissing racism and discrimination, or minimizing its trauma and impact, irrevocably harms individuals and communities, and prevents pathways to reconciliation and healing. Students benefit most when caring families, trained educators, and dedicated school boards work together. Education must reflect and celebrate all student identities, experiences, and cultures to maximize engagement and achievement. Honesty in education is the freedom of critical thinking, reflection, and the diverse exchange of ideas that are essential to Ohio’s future, viability, and high-functioning, multiracial democracy. |
We commit to a group process: We think and work in coalition soliciting input, feedback, and opinions from partners and allies. We prioritize understanding and consensus to advance our work.
We commit to respect and honor all identities: We use inclusive language and correct gender pronouns. We embrace opportunities to teach and learn about inclusive language and terminology from one another. We commit to make space & take space: We are a shared, safe, empowering space that makes room for all voices, especially those of marginalized identities and historically disempowered. We are mindful of our time, tone, privilege, social capital, and impact when speaking and writing. We commit to collective learning and growing: We lean into growth, discomfort, and courageous conversations. We ask meaningful questions to broaden our baseline and disrupt harmful norms and dangerous groupthink. We offer and accept respectful, productive feedback from others and assume positive intentions. We commit to challenging ideas, not people: We know that topics and viewpoints are debatable, and one’s dignity and humanity are not. We respect differing views and perspectives and are courteous and respectful when trying to understand. We do not interrupt, raise our voices, intimidate, interrogate, or use harmful, demeaning language. We engage with a mindset of intent vs. impact. |
Honesty for Ohio Education unites and partners with students, families, educators, community members, civic and faith groups, organizations, businesses, and institutions across the state to protect Honesty in Education.
In this space, we affirm and embrace all races, ethnicities, nationalities, indigenous origins, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientation, ages, religions, belief systems, languages, accents, abilities, mental health, socioeconomic status, work and education backgrounds, marital status, parental status, political perspectives and affiliations. |