Statewide coalition opposes SB178 as a power grab that would reduce transparency and democratic engagement in K-12 education
Honesty for Ohio Education urges lawmakers to squash Lame Duck effort that sacrifices data-driven decision-making in the name of partisan politics
November 29, 2022 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
COLUMBUS — Honesty for Ohio Education urges lawmakers to reject SB 178 following the introduction of a massive sub bill in today’s Senate Primary and Secondary Education committee hearing. In response to the new bill, Cynthia Peeples, founding director of Honesty for Ohio Education, a nonpartisan statewide coalition representing nearly 50 organizational partners, released the following statement:
As Ohio families, voters, and taxpayers, we value a public education system that is accountable to the citizens and communities it serves. We believe that students do best when families work with trained educators and elected school board members to determine the scope and nature of education in their districts.
We are very concerned at Senator Reineke’s introduction of a massive sub bill, with little explanation, that dramatically changes the face of public education by shifting oversight of public education from the voters and the State Board of Education to the governor’s office. Not only does this bill inject partisan politics into public education, it also strips the State Board of significant educational responsibilities.
More concerning is the blatant attempt to fast-track SB178 through the legislature during the Lame Duck session. This follows a midterm election that seated three new State Board of Education members who prioritize the safety and wellbeing of all students, not extremist politics. The energy around the bill smacks of partisanship rather than thoughtful education policy.
This bill, and any bill that reshapes how public education operates in the state of Ohio, should be thoroughly researched, discussed, and debated by education stakeholders, voters, and taxpayers. Rushing SB178 through Lame Duck undermines transparency and accountability to Ohio citizens.
We urge lawmakers to stop SB178 as a bill, and as an amendment to any other legislation.
Find more information on SB 178 here.
Honesty for Ohio Education is a nonpartisan, statewide coalition that champions honest education, affirmation of identities, cultures, and experiences, the well-being of students and educators, and local control in education. The coalition represents more than 50 national, state, and local organizations, and hundreds of students, families, and educators across the state.