Students benefit most when caring families,
trained educators, and dedicated school boards
work together.
Education that reflects and celebrates student
identities, experiences, and cultures
maximizes engagement and achievement.
trained educators, and dedicated school boards
work together.
Education that reflects and celebrates student
identities, experiences, and cultures
maximizes engagement and achievement.
Regardless of background, race, or zip code,
every child deserves a high quality education
grounded in honesty and facts.
Dismissing racism and discrimination, or
minimizing its trauma and impact,
irrevocably harms individuals and communities, and prevents pathways to reconciliation and healing.
HONESTY in education is essential to
Ohio's growth and viability and a high-functioning democracy.
every child deserves a high quality education
grounded in honesty and facts.
Dismissing racism and discrimination, or
minimizing its trauma and impact,
irrevocably harms individuals and communities, and prevents pathways to reconciliation and healing.
HONESTY in education is essential to
Ohio's growth and viability and a high-functioning democracy.
SAY NO! to HB 322 & Sub HB 327
Our Ohio Board of Education will be meeting TOMORROW, July 13. There's a resolution on their agenda to ask Ohio Attorney General David Yost for a formal opinion on the "legal authority or lack thereof" of the State Board of Education to condemn racism (which they did, to our strong applause, in July 2020). We know Dave Yost has come out in favor of HB 322 and HB 327, and we know he wants to limit honesty in education.
Please TAKE ACTION: Click HERE to easily send a note to all Board of Education members telling them to NOT to pass this resolution:
After you click, please share with 5 friends and your social media, and let's make sure our Board of Education hears from us!
Our Ohio Board of Education will be meeting TOMORROW, July 13. There's a resolution on their agenda to ask Ohio Attorney General David Yost for a formal opinion on the "legal authority or lack thereof" of the State Board of Education to condemn racism (which they did, to our strong applause, in July 2020). We know Dave Yost has come out in favor of HB 322 and HB 327, and we know he wants to limit honesty in education.
Please TAKE ACTION: Click HERE to easily send a note to all Board of Education members telling them to NOT to pass this resolution:
After you click, please share with 5 friends and your social media, and let's make sure our Board of Education hears from us!
Action Alert (June 30):
We are expecting Governor DeWine to sign the budget tonight. Karen Kasler tweeted that "he won't take questions about any possible vetoes till tomorrow." (Follow Karen: @karenkasler)
We are expecting Governor DeWine to sign the budget tonight. Karen Kasler tweeted that "he won't take questions about any possible vetoes till tomorrow." (Follow Karen: @karenkasler)
Action Alert (June 28 - afternoon):
A bit of deep breathing this morning... both House & Senate passed the budget last night and it now awaits Governor DeWine's signature. There is no anti-CRT language added. This is a WIN!
There is still hard work ahead, but your calls and over 1000 emails sent a powerful message - THANK YOU!
A bit of deep breathing this morning... both House & Senate passed the budget last night and it now awaits Governor DeWine's signature. There is no anti-CRT language added. This is a WIN!
There is still hard work ahead, but your calls and over 1000 emails sent a powerful message - THANK YOU!
Action Alert (June 28 - morning):
Since the Ohio legislature may meet every day this week, we need you to continue to flood the inboxes of our state representatives and senators. Our ask is for you to send the action alert email below and/or call using the script, every day between now and next Wednesday. Your simple act of pressing “Take Action” daily will make a big difference!
Thanks so much!
To easily email your representatives, click here.
Since the Ohio legislature may meet every day this week, we need you to continue to flood the inboxes of our state representatives and senators. Our ask is for you to send the action alert email below and/or call using the script, every day between now and next Wednesday. Your simple act of pressing “Take Action” daily will make a big difference!
Thanks so much!
To easily email your representatives, click here.