Essential Questions
How does your district approach honest, inclusive education, Whole Child framework, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
What are your district's DEI policy, strategic plan, goals, and action items? Who is involved?
Does your community support or oppose these efforts?
How does your district approach honest, inclusive education, Whole Child framework, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
What are your district's DEI policy, strategic plan, goals, and action items? Who is involved?
Does your community support or oppose these efforts?
Learn About YOUR District
Review Your District's Assessments & Annual Reports: Assessments and reports are designed to give parents, communities, educators and policymakers information about the performance of districts and school. Find your district HERE Review Your District's Website: You can find information about curricula, policies and procedures, and DEI practices on your district's website. Information can also be found in the Parent and Student Handbook/Manual. Contact your School Board Members and DEI & Curriculum Coordinators: Contact your school board members and ask about your district's approach to DEI and honest curriculum. Speak with your district's curriculum coordinator and DEI coordinator to learn about specific practices and policies in place to advance honesty and DEI in your district. If your district does not have DEI initiatives in place, ask how families and communities create programs and policies. Attend/Watch Your School Board Meetings: Attend school board meetings. Watch previously recorded meetings. Review minutes and documents from school board meetings to understand the policies in place and identify areas for improvement. Recordings and/or minutes should be available on your district's website, normally found under Board of Education. |
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