Final Candidates
Final Candidates
Final Board Vote for Superintendent: 14-4
Board Vote to Advance as Superintendent Finalist: 17-2
Read Written Interview Question and Responses
Experience in Pre K-12
- Superintendent, Reynoldsburg City Schools, January 2008 – July 2014
- Assistant Superintendent, Reynoldsburg, August 2005 – December 2007
- Executive Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, September 2003 – July 2005
- Principal, Reynoldsburg High School, 1995-2000
- Principal, Elida High School, 1991-1995
- Assistant Principal/athletics director 1989-1991
- Assistant Principal, 1987-1989
- Teacher, Elida Middle School, 1985-1987
- Teacher, Upper Scioto Valley High/Junior High School, 1979-1985
ODE Experience
- SBOE at-large/appointed member from July 2018 – February 2022
- Interim director, Office of Regional School Improvement Services, January 2002 – September 2003
- Associate director, January 2001 – January 2002
Postsecondary Experience
- Columbus State Community College, superintendent of school and community partnerships -- August 2014 to December 2021
- Focused on workforce training and “pipeline” issues, both k-12 and postsecondary
On the Issues
- While a member of the State Board of Education, Dackin voted for the 2020 resolution to condemn racism and advance equity.
- In 2021, he voted to rescind the same resolution.
- Dackin has been criticized because of his involvement in the search for a new state superintendent before he resigned from the State Board of Education in February.
- “Dackin, a Columbus resident, said in a letter last December that he had been asked to ‘lead the search’ for the next state superintendent, though it’s not clear what role he played in running the search prior to his resignation.” (Source: PD/ article)
- Was a KnowledgeWorks board member - 2015 interview: Education, KnowledgeWorks and the Future of Learning with Steve Dackin (is now a Trustee Emeritus)
- “We need a system that ensures ALL students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to compete in a global economy. Today, too few children are reading at or above grade level. Too few children are competent in numeracy. Too few students graduate from high school with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful.”
Final Board Vote for Superintendent: 4 Votes
Board Vote to Advance as Superintendent Finalist: 14-5
Read Written Interview Questions and Responses
Experience in Pre K-12 Education
- Superintendent, Springboro Community School District, Ohio -- 2020-present
- Helped develop Mask to Stay/Test to Play pilot program w/ ODH (resume)
- Superintendent, Carlisle Local School District -- 2010-2020
- Assistant superintendent, Springboro Community School District, Ohio - 2002-2010
- Millford Exempted School District
- HS Principal, 1999-2002
- Jr High principals, 1996-1999
- HS assistant principal, 1994-1997
- HS teacher and coach, 1990-1994
Postsecondary Experience
- Adjunct professor for education leadership, University of Dayton - 2009-2016
- Taught education finance, law, HR
On the Issues
- “Springboro Superintendent Larry Hook told more than 60 parents at the school’s board meeting Wednesday night that a committee started to look at diversity and inclusion has no agenda and will not make curriculum decisions.” (July 2021 Dayton Daily News story)
- “The large crowd listened as parents voiced their concerns about critical race theory, the diversity committee and a consultant used by the district.”
- People at meeting concerned about DEI consultant working with district from University of Dayton, where she is assistant VP for diversity and inclusion
- District had announced recently that critical race theory is not part of Springboro’s curriculum and follows ODE standards that don’t include CRT
- Some people spoke at the meeting about racists incidents they had been on receiving end of
- July 2021 statement from Superintendent Hook on CRT issues here.
- “Springboro Schools has not and will not support or implement CRT into our curriculum at any grade level. Additionally, our curriculum will not include the following topics that are sometimes associated with CRT:
- Teaching from a perspective that the United States and/or its legal system is systematically racist and designed to create and maintain inequalities between genders, ethnicities, different religious heritages, or races
- Teaching that socialism and communism are morally superior to democracy, capitalism, and a free market economy
- That any gender, ethnicity, religious heritage, or race should feel superior or inferior
- That one should feel guilt or shame due to their ethnicity, religious heritage, race, or gender”
- “The D&I Committee’s focus is on improving the learning environment within Springboro Schools, in order to ensure that every student, regardless of ethnicity, religious heritage, gender, or race, feels welcome, safe, and ready to learn.”
- “Springboro Schools has not and will not support or implement CRT into our curriculum at any grade level. Additionally, our curriculum will not include the following topics that are sometimes associated with CRT:
- References listed on Superintendent Hook’s resume are mostly people who serve as board members or staff of Ohio school districts and educational service centers.
- The list includes two state legislators, Sen. Steve Wilson and Rep. Scott Lipps
Thomas Hosler
Final Board Vote for Superintendent: 0 Votes
Board Vote to Advance as Superintendent Finalist: 13-6
Read Written Interview Questions and Responses
Experience in Pre K-12 Education
- Superintendent, Perrysburg Exempted Village Schools, 2007-present
- Superintendent, Huron School District, New Boston, MI -- 2000-2007
- High school principal, Addison Community Schools, Addison MI -- 1996-2000
- Associate Principal, St. John’s Jesuit High School, Toledo OH -- 1995-1996
- Teacher, Arbor Hills Jr High, Sylvania OH -- 1994-1995
- Teacher, St. John’s Jesuit High School, Toledo, 1992-1994
On the Issues
- June 2021, “CRT controversy” hits Perrysburg
- Quote from Hosler: “The Perrysburg Board of Education has not and will not be voting to adopt critical race theory,” Hosler said. “Perrysburg Schools teaches the approved Ohio standards in its curriculum and does an excellent job of doing so.” (Source: 13/Action News story here)
- Board member in the same article: “It is already in Perrysburg Schools, but it’s rebranded under names like the CQ (cultural intelligence) team and SEL (social emotional learning),” Ewbank said. “CRT, no matter what we call it, is divisive, destructive and unacceptable. I will never support it because schools are for education, not dividing kids by race, religion or gender.”
- Heated discussion at June 2021 Perrysburg board meeting on CRT (WTOL video link here)
- Worked on the Cupp-Patterson Fair School Funding Working group and testified in the Ohio House and Senate in support of the fair school funding formula.
- Resume includes Ohio Speaker of the House Bob Cupp and former State Rep. John Patterson as professional references.
- Has received various awards from the Buckeye Association of School Administrators.
- Served as chair of the Alliance for High Quality Education from 2017-2021.
- Named Martha Holden Jennings Superintendent of the Year Award, 2018.
- Founding member and president of CAPE NWO (Coalition of Advocates for PK-16 Education Northwest Ohio).