Commit to a group process: We think and work in coalition soliciting input, feedback, and opinions from partners and allies. We prioritize understanding and consensus to advance our work.
Respect and honor all identities: We use inclusive language and correct gender pronouns. We embrace opportunities to teach and learn about inclusive language and terminology from one another.
Make space, take space: We are a shared, safe, empowering space that makes room for all voices, especially those of marginalized identities and historically disempowered. We are mindful of our time, tone, privilege, social capital, and impact when speaking and writing.
Commit to collective learning and growing: We lean into growth, discomfort, and courageous conversations. We ask meaningful questions to broaden our baseline and disrupt harmful norms and dangerous groupthink. We offer and accept respectful, productive feedback from others and assume positive intentions.
Challenge ideas, not people: We know that topics and viewpoints are debatable, and one’s dignity and humanity are not. We respect differing views and perspectives and are courteous and respectful when trying to understand. We do not interrupt, raise our voices, intimidate, interrogate, or use harmful, demeaning language. We engage with a mindset of intent vs. impact.
Respect and honor all identities: We use inclusive language and correct gender pronouns. We embrace opportunities to teach and learn about inclusive language and terminology from one another.
Make space, take space: We are a shared, safe, empowering space that makes room for all voices, especially those of marginalized identities and historically disempowered. We are mindful of our time, tone, privilege, social capital, and impact when speaking and writing.
Commit to collective learning and growing: We lean into growth, discomfort, and courageous conversations. We ask meaningful questions to broaden our baseline and disrupt harmful norms and dangerous groupthink. We offer and accept respectful, productive feedback from others and assume positive intentions.
Challenge ideas, not people: We know that topics and viewpoints are debatable, and one’s dignity and humanity are not. We respect differing views and perspectives and are courteous and respectful when trying to understand. We do not interrupt, raise our voices, intimidate, interrogate, or use harmful, demeaning language. We engage with a mindset of intent vs. impact.